weekly horoscopes with Alice Sparkly Kat - 9.26.16
weekly horoscope 9/26/16-10/2/16
new moon in libra
♈️ aries ♈️
enjoy time with someone else. you're learning about how to build partnerships.
♉️ taurus ♉️
focusing on your health and self care makes you grow. don't overexert yourself.
♊️ gemini ♊️
kick back and have some fun. chances are, you'll fall in love with someone or something soon.
♋️ cancer ♋️
you're happy at home. get in touch with your family this week.
♌️ leo ♌️
your mind is active this week. anything you do seems interesting.
♍️ virgo ♍️
you will want to spend a lot of money this week. take care you don't spend everything.
♎️ libra ♎️
work on your identity and long term goals. this week, you can see things from many perspectives.
♏️ scorpio ♏️
you're receiving a lot of therapy. stop to replay what has been going on to learn about yourself.
♐️ sagittarius ♐️
your wider circle of friends bring you joy. imagine, dream, and change with them.
♑️ capricorn ♑️
new optimism will help you reach your goals. make a plan now that helps self and other.
♒️ aquarius ♒️
reflect on what you choose to participate in to establish some principles of self.
♓️ pisces ♓️
everyone seems to be attracted to you this week. what means intimacy for you?
alice sparkly kat is a Brooklyn-based astrologer. she has written and lectured extensively on astrological research at Bruce High Quality Foundation University, Dixon Place, and Ars Nova.