weekly horoscopes with Alice Sparkly Kat
weekly horoscope 10/17/16-10/23/16
♈️ aries ♈️
avoid getting over-emotional and doing something impulsive this week.
♉️ taurus ♉️
a change in mood can either motivate you or make you a little nihilist.
♊️ gemini ♊️
be careful of overspending and losing more than you can afford.
♋️ cancer ♋️
don't read too much into other people this week. you see your own issues reflected back.
♌️ leo ♌️
you may be impatient at work this week. give yourself time to unwind.
♍️ virgo ♍️
inspiration might strike you this week. do something fun or creative.
♎️ libra ♎️
something at home is in turmoil. it will take a lot from you to be strong.
♏️ scorpio ♏️
don't take anything people say too seriously this week. only get riled up for yourself.
♐️ sagittarius ♐️
you might feel frustrated about money this week. make an effort to get it together.
♑️ capricorn ♑️
listen to other people this week. you're learning about yourself from them.
♒️ aquarius ♒️
you're looking for a life purpose. feel free to adjust your employment accordingly.
♓️ pisces ♓️
your attitudes about the people who make your community are changing.
alice sparkly kat is a Brooklyn-based astrologer. she has written and lectured extensively on astrological research at Bruce High Quality Foundation University, Dixon Place, and Ars Nova.