Summer of Selfish // Claudia Bokulich

Claudia Bokulich / Philadelphia 


how did you first become involved with Selfish?

I attended a talk in 2015 given by the ladies of Selfish at Vox Populi, a gallery where I was interning at the time. I was excited by their mission and felt that my paintings fit the themes and ideas of the magazine, and therefore submitted to be featured in the "Good Girl" issue.

what are your current ambitions / intentions / desires as an artist? what themes are you currently exploring through your work?

My figurative paintings and drawings grapple with the concepts of love, lust, good and evil.  I consider feelings of power and ecstasy, but also of guilt, isolation, and longing. In my figures, I try to express vulnerability, but also dominance. I hope to address an emotive and often sinister quality in my work. I’m constantly questioning the profundity of human emotion, and the things we do for ourselves and others to satisfy, or to introduce consequence to our human drives and desires.

what does summer evoke for you, and how does it affect / tie into / play out in your process?

Summer is my favorite season. Not only is it because I love the heat and my birthday is in June, but it's a time of social interaction and celebration, which is a major drive for my work. 

any other shows / projects / etc you're currently involved in that we should know about?

I currently have a residency at Elsewhere Studios in Paonia, Colorado.

find more of Claudia here: @cloudybok //