weekly astrology with alice sparkly kat
painting by Alice Sparkly Kat
we've just teamed up with Alice Sparkly Kat to bring you weekly horoscopes! check out the forecast for the week of August 1 - August 7. stay tuned for a write-up on this week's new moon in Leo!
weekly horoscope 8/1/16-8/7/16
new moon in leo
♈️ aries ♈️
renew your creative efforts and regain a sense of what makes you passionate. use this to create philosophical structure.
♉️ taurus ♉️
this is a good week to spend some time alone. you have much to discuss within your own head.
♊️ gemini ♊️
ponder through some things on your own time. if you fight with someone, you will gain a lesson.
♋️ cancer ♋️
you're on your way to expressing yourself in a more tangible way. ruminate on this before putting it in practice.
♌️ leo ♌️
do something new with your appearance. you'll make a change that makes you look and feel better.
♍️ virgo ♍️
let go of whatever boundaries you have fabricated and work with with your sense of grounding.
♎️ libra ♎️
renew your inspirations and dreams. you'll find that it will change your mind in a welcome way.
♏️ scorpio ♏️
this week is about restructuring your ambitions to construct a better security.
♐️ sagittarius ♐️
if you take a trip this week it will make you feel better. be sure to plan some kind of adventure into your days.
♑️ capricorn ♑️
an opportunity or sense of harmony develops through things that you have no control over. it will be difficult to ignore.
♒️ aquarius ♒️
rethink the way you have been building relationships. it will help you develop your visions for the future.
♓️ pisces ♓️
some change, whether a gain or loss, in your work will change the way you structure yourself.
alice sparkly kat is a Brooklyn-based astrologer. she has written and lectured extensively on astrological research at Bruce High Quality Foundation University, Dixon Place, and Ars Nova.